Sleep apnea in layman's terms, as a condition of the body described when the process stops breathing for almost 10 seconds during sleep. This can happen up to 400 times during a single night of sleep, and can cause serious human health recursion son sometimes lead to death if not treated properly be.
The reason for his strange disease varies from legacy system to a unhealthy lifestyle. Smoking, drinking, fatigue, stressand many other reasons are responsible for sleep apnea. You can give your blood pressure level, decline in work, you feel irritated and even in an accident while driving.
It 'obvious that sleep apnea is a serious problem. If you want a permanent solution, then you can opt for surgery, if you think your problem is not very critical, so it is possible for various machines such as sleep apnea CPAP, BiPAP, or go.
Both machines have sleep apneasame function. They help the patient breathe air into the nose through a mask air-tight, the hard drive on his face, with the help of rubber bands. The two most popular machines that this disorder should be treated as the BiPAP and CPAP machines known.
CPAP is recommended for people with known mild insomnia. A mechanism works and helps a person to breathe. It 'is also inexpensive and portable and thereforeis a good choice for mild sleep apnea patients.
However, if you are king of the relatives of some patients with heart disease, then BiPAP, the ideal choice for you is because they work two-way mechanism. It keeps the pressure when breathing and breathe the air. In the event that a person takes the breath for a time, the Air Force in the mouth hello miss BiPAP in order to establish regular breathing techniques. BiPAP also give a lot more patient comfort, because the pressure inside the faceMask is controlled.
There are advanced form of CPAP as ACAP, which automatically detects the amount of pressure that must be used during breathing, so that the patient is discharged from performing a high level of pressure during the process of normal breathing known.
The usefulness of sleep apnea machine through the use of accessories for different machines, such as a humidifier, breathing-counter, cotton masks, mask, etc. lining better for the experience more comfortingfor the patient.
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